ALL TOOL SCHOOL, Knitting/Crochet

Universal Knitting Counter

Universal Knitting Counter

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Welcome to Tool School!

with Instructor Katrina Walker

In this episode of Tool School,

We will explore the Universal Knitting Counter.

Every experienced knitter is familiar with the need for a knitting counter for keeping track of their pattern. The Universal Knitting Counter is a new improvement to a traditional knitting counter design.

The traditional knitting counter design features a barrel shaped counter that is slid onto the end of the knitting needle. This design works well but is intended for use with small to medium sized straight knitting needles.

The Universal Knitting Counter is cleverly designed to be used on either straight or circular needles from size 0 to size 15. This is accomplished by the addition of a slender loop that easily slides onto the needle, just like a stitch marker.

With the loop feature, you can avoid having the bulk of the counter taking space on the cord or needle. It also allows for the use of additional counters if wanted, to track multiple patterns within a project. The Universal Knitting Counter allows for counting up to 99 consecutive rows for accurate pattern tracking.  The Universal Knitting Counter elevates an old standby into a new favorite that is sure to come in handy for all your knitting projects.