ALL TOOL SCHOOL, Crafts, Sewing/Quilting

Fabric Folding Pen

Fabric Folding Pen

with Instructor Steve Butler

Class 161

View at our website

What is it?

We get it, no one likes to take the time to press fabric pieces when putting together that new creative inspiration. The sewing machine is ready, that fabulous fabric is ready, the complimenting thread is ready and, most importantly, we’re ready. Taking the time to press those preparatory seams just feels anticlimactic somehow. The truth is though, those initial ironing steps are a significant factor in determining whether our finished project is something that is polished and professional or something more homemade and amateurish. Something we are proud to show our friends or something that is quietly put away somewhere never to see the light of day again. Let’s face it, seams will not lie flat just because we’re sewing them together. And our creative vision simply cannot be realized without those flat seams. That applies to fashion, heirloom, quilting, appliqué, home decor, or any combination of the above. It’s all the same, it’s putting fabric together in some arrangement that results in our predetermined creative vision. Okay, we get it, it’s really important. So how can we do it without it seaming (pun intended) so time invasive? What’s the best way to do that? Simple . . Clover’s Fabric Folding Pen. Think of a felt tip pen that is filled with what amounts to be a very unique fabric softener. Just remove the cap and with the pen’s felt tip trace either a straight or curved wet bead line on your fabric. The fluid from the pen causes the fabric fibers to relax at the point of application. Now you can fold along that specific line with ease and either finger press or iron to form a sharp, lasting edge. The pieces of your project can now be assembled easily, precisely, quickly and most importantly, they will look great!

What does it do?

The applications are endless and make fabric manipulation quick, easy and precise.

·     English Paper Piecing can now be done without all of the stitches. Wow, what a time saver. Let’s you form all of your shapes quickly and easily and get on to the fun part of creating your finished product.

·     Any crease or hem you want to form can be made very quickly without an iron. Use a straight edge to lay down the wet bead line and then simply fold over and finger press or iron. Even the most detailed designs can be accomplished. This is an especially useful tool when working with minimum seam allowances.

·     The Fabric Folding Pen is a natural for appliqué or reverse appliqué. You can either trace or freehand any line that forms your design. These “relaxed” fibers will allow you to easily manipulate your fabric around that line. Doing patch pockets? Same principle. Trace the shape you want, fold along the line, press and then stitch in place. Easy peezie.

·     Ever go to a sewing class and have to wait forever at the back of the classroom to use the iron? No more. Take your Fabric Folding Pen and you’ll be ahead of the rest of the class all night.

·     We’ve all bought a piece of fabric that had an unwanted crease across it or perhaps we accidentally formed one while ironing. What’s the easiest way to get rid of it? Trace over the unwanted seam with the Fabric Folding Pen, iron and it’s gone. Think of it as reverse ironing.

·     What do you do when the pen fluid is used up? No worries, they’re refillable. Mix a few drops of fluid concentrate with tap water and you’re good to go. By the way, the fluid is unaffected by ironing.

How do I Promote it?

Fashion, heirloom, quilting, appliqué, home décor, Clover’s Fabric Folding Pen has applications to all. Set out a pen, fabric and a straight edge and let everyone try it. Ask all of your teachers to include or demonstrate it in their presentations or classes. This tool is so handy that once it becomes part of your own creative process, you’ll always be finding new applications for it and wonder what you ever did before you owned one.