ALL TOOL SCHOOL, Crafts, Sewing/Quilting, Tool School Extra Credit

Extra Credit: No-Sew, Iron-On Octopatch

No-Sew, Iron-On Octopatch

By Shannon and Jason

Oney the Octopatch

Here, in our part of the world, we are entering that time of year when the skies are clearer, the breeze is warmer, and the wind carries the unmistakable sound of screaming little folx who have looked forward to summer break for months but now they have entirely too much time on their hands and are sooooo bored with everything and what were you thinking giving them three juice boxes (they have how much sugar??) and maybe that giant Slurpee (so much sugar!!) wasn’t such a great idea and hey what does this thing do and how much noise can I make with it and… yeah. School is out for summer and that means minds and hands are idle which can only lead to mayhem and chaos. And not the good kind. You’re going to need some back up.

Enter Oney, the Octopatch! Friends don’t let Oney’s friendly demeanor fool you. Oney has the superpower of holding the attention of bored minds and idle hands for just long enough that creativity and (relative) peace can, once again, take hold. This no-sew project requires very few materials and tools and can be adapted to any shape or figure you can print out or trace from a coloring book. We happen to have a fondness for octopi (we are, in fact, dangerously close to having a collection of their likenesses in our house) but maybe you and yours respond more to another being from the animal kingdom or even a favorite animated character. All you need to be able to do is trace the outline of any photo or figure using a marking tool (pen, pencil, or stylus) and, with the aid of Clover’s Chacopy Tracing Paper, some Wonder Fuse, and some scraps of fabric, you can have a customized no-sew iron-on patch. Use your imagination. Or, better yet, occupy those idle minds and let them use their imagination!

What you’ll need:


Clover Tracing Paper “Chacopy” #434

Clover Wonder Fuse #4090

Patchwork Scissors (mini) #493/CW

Pen or Pencil


Permanent felt tip marker

MATERIALS Fabric of your choice.

1.   Decide the form for your patch We have included a .pdf of our octopus for you to use. Feel free to use any shapes or animals you like. Use your imagination.

Click here for File

2.  Cut your fabric and Wonder Fuse

  • Depending on the form of your pattern template, cut fabric and Wonder Fuse to fit.
  • Remember this is all about what you like or want your clothing to say.
  • Place the fabric with the Wrong side down on the “rough” side of the Wonder Fuse.
  • Trim as needed.

3.   Iron Fabric to Wonder Fuse

  • Using a hot iron, press the fabric on to the Wonder Fuse.
  • IMPORTANT: Do Not Use Steam. Just the heat from the iron is all you need.
  • To ensure the fabric is fully fused turn the fabric over and iron the Wonder Fuse side.
  • Wait for 2-3 minutes for the patch to fully cool before continuing to step 4

4.   Draw your Octopatch (or other shape)

  • Fold the patch so the Wonder Fuse sheet is fully in half
  • Using the center fold as a guide draw half of a heart.
  • Re-fold along the center line and cut out the heart shape

5.   Cut out the Octopatch

  • Using a small pair of patchwork scissors cut around the main shape taking the big pieces of fabric out first.
  • Cut the finer details next.

6.   Shade the Edges

  • Using a felt tip marker like a Sharpie draw in any internal lines that were not cut.
  • Use the edge of the marker to gently go around the edge of the patch to shade it and give definition. This can be as rough as you like it.
  • Allow to fully dry before placing patch on your garment.

7.   Iron on the Patch

  • Decide on the placement for your patch.
  • Peel off the paper backing of the Wonder Fuse and again using a hot iron without steam, press to secure.
  • Note: be careful of your chosen fabric and garment; do not use heat too hot for either.

Give Oney a fun place to live… a bag, your pants leg, or back, or anywhere else you want! I’m sure you’ll want to give them some friends to play with too.

Have fun!